
Our 组织研究 major gives you the tools to study in a local and global context the administrative, 经济, 政治, 社会学, 以及影响所有人类集体系统的其他因素



  • 你将学习组织是如何运作的, 他们如何影响社会, 以及它们是如何产生的, 维护, 和改变. 
  • We partner with Claremont Graduate University to offer a  Bachelors/Masters of Information Science accelerated degree. 在大三的秋天申请. 如果你被录取了, you will start taking classes at Claremont Graduate University during your junior spring semester. 
  • As 组织研究专业, you’ll hone in on an area of interest to investigate further. 你将被鼓励参加实地体验或研究你选择的主题. Examples of these themes include 公共卫生, 艺术管理, 妇女与工作, and 劳动的研究.
  • 你会被赋予参与的权力, 对社会负责的成员组成了你的生活. 
  • 如果你对工商管理感兴趣的话, 公共卫生, 劳动关系, 社会学, 或教育, 组织研究可能是你的专业. 我们的课程为您在这些领域的进一步研究生工作或职业生涯做好准备. 



  • 文学学士






匹泽的核心价值观贯穿于我们所有的学术课程. 了解我们的组织研究计划如何解决社会责任.


作为我们从内到外通往学士学位课程的一部分, Pitzer offers a bachelor of arts in 组织研究 to the program's inside students. 

17 在毕业生

Pitzer is the first college in the country to transform Inside-Out curriculum into a BA degree program for incarcerated learners.





Kenneth Butler, 22岁, 组织研究专业, received a Fulbright Fellowship to research the factors that facilitate social rehabilitation and reintegration at Luzira Prison in Uganda.

Zhane Moledina在室外的绿色景观前摆姿势

探索我们的 哥斯达黎加留学项目

赞娜·莫莱迪娜25岁, 她主修组织研究和政治研究,曾获得吉尔曼奖学金. Zhané spent a semester abroad through Pitzer's Costa Rica program and advanced her language skills while gaining perspectives on Costa Rican politics, 经济学, 还有环境. 




  1. 如何识别组织和工作场所中发生的互动类型.  
  2. 如何应用心理学的概念, 社会学, 经济学, 对工人和组织进行政治研究. 
  3. 如何描述组织文化的构成, 社会影响, 人际关系, 以及工作环境中的组织变化. 
  4. Become aware of the influence of organizations in society and how it affects at least one of the following: 
    1. 阶级和社会分层
    2. 性别与权力 
    3. 社区与经济发展
    4. 技术
    5. 其他组织形式
    6. 批判理论
    7. 行业
  5. 如何选择和应用定量和定性研究的案例研究. 




组织研究专业的学生需要从三个组中学习12门课程, 核心, 和深度区域的主要. 

作为基础, students would select four classes from social sciences that contribute to 组织研究 and serve as an introduction to this interdisciplinary field. 学生通过完成两门主要的核心课程来完成本专业, 合适的方法类, 以及另外两门取自组织研究课程的课程, and as a capstone three courses that form a depth area centered on an organizational-related theme or topics.

In most cases several breadth courses will have been completed by the time a student begins to take courses in the 核心, 主要的核心课程和方法课程是在本专业的其他课程之前上的.

  • 宽度
    必修四门课程, and students are encouraged to take one class from each of the main disciplines that formed the interdisciplinary roots of the major. 学生应完成:

    微观经济学原理(ECON052PZ或同等学历), 一门政治科学入门课程.g.(POST020PZ或POST030PZ),

    社会心理学(PSYC103PZ或同等学历), 和SOC001PZ或其他低年级社会学课程. ORST050PZ可以用来代替社会心理学或社会学的广度选择, and other courses from fields such as Environmental Analysis and Media Studies could also be part of a student’s breadth area courses if approved by their adviser.

  • 核心
    该专业的中心重点是由五门课程组成. 学生应完成ORST100PZ(组织理论), ORST135PZ (Organizational Behavior) and ORST112PZ (研究 in Organizations) prior to taking more advanced coursework in the major. 

    其他学院的同等课程可以代替ORST135PZ (e).g., PSYC037PZ), 学生可以使用适当的统计学或方法课程来代替ORST112PZ (i.e., MATH052PZ, ECON091PZ, PSYC091PZ,或SOC101PZ). The 核心 area of the major is completed using two additional upper-level 组织研究 classes. 经顾问批准, 学生可以使用安大略省项目的课程, 在极少数情况下, 完成这些核心需求的其他领域.

  • 深度
    与他们的顾问协商, students select three courses for depth which together represent either a single theme or provide further work in one of the breadth fields. Students are encouraged to include a capstone experience or research work to complete their depth area. 

    样本主题包括公共卫生, 非营利组织, 艺术管理, 劳动的研究, 组织沟通, 财务与会计, 信息技术, 妇女与工作, 组织与经济发展, 领导和其他. A brief rationale describing how the choice of depth courses represents the student’s theme should be filed with the adviser at the same time as the major form. 

    Students are urged to consider courses from the five colleges and at Pitzer College beyond those normally designated within 组织研究 which integrate their topical interests. 主题也可以经常与国外学习协调进行.


Students who are pursuing a combined major with 组织研究 and another field may take three courses which simultaneously fulfill the requirements for 组织研究 and the other field of major. A combined major with 组织研究 normally includes nine courses of which three may overlap with another field. 应修完五门必修的组织学核心课程, 虽然方法类可以是共享类之一. The combination of the remaining breadth and depth courses is to be worked out by the student and cooperating advisers.



Students from the other Claremont Colleges may declare a major in 组织研究 upon the approval of their home registrar. 因为通识教育和论文的要求, 对宽度和深度区域进行了调整, 但所有学生都必须修完本专业核心部分的五门课程. 通常, some adjustments to breadth area classes may be made and the related thesis classes would become part of the student’s defined depth area.


Pitzer’s 组织研究实地小组 and Claremont Graduate University’s (CGU) Program in Information Science offer 组织研究 majors the opportunity to obtain an accelerated MSIS degree. 

Students must formally apply in the fall and be admitted into the Information Science Program at CGU in the spring semester of their junior year. Applicants must demonstrate competence in 信息技术 and be recommended by the Pitzer 组织研究实地小组. Students in the joint program must declare their major in 组织研究 before applying for this program. 感兴趣的学生应该去看看杰夫·刘易斯.

The joint program is a 19-course program that requires nine courses from the 组织研究 major and ten from the Information Science Program. 

这个联合学位的目的是在学士学位之后至少一年完成. 学生必须在CGU注册至少8门课程. 

Applicants to this program must also demonstrate competence in one or more computer languages before entering the program. 该计划的具体要求可以从杰夫•刘易斯处获得.




  • 组织研究副教授
  • 组织研究实地小组


  • 组织研究副教授
  • 组织研究实地小组
